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Discover Haverford (HPED) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that facilitates government, businesses, commercial property owners and residents working together to promote economic growth throughout Haverford Township. Discover Haverford boosts the local economy by supporting businesses, enhancing the image of Haverford Township, and revitalizing our business districts and public spaces.
Discover Haverford works hand-in-hand with our partner, Haverford Township.
We are also supported by business sponsors and resident members.
If you want to open a business in Haverford Township, we would love to support you. We can help with business planning, selecting and securing a location, and providing connections to Township officials to ease the permitting and licensing process. Our Business Recruitment Packet provides additional information about setting up a business in Haverford Township, demographic information and market studies.
For more information, click the FIND OUT MORE link on this page or contact Jeanne Angell at